Porting Qt for MCUs to STM32H747I-DISCO

For TQ's brand new Raspberry PI equivalent i.MX8 Embedded Single Board Computer MBa8MP-RAS314 Crossware has developed an Android BSP package. The developed Android BSP 13 version will be keep up to date and improved with further functionalities like device provisioning, IoT stacks and much more.
This powerful and modern platform is a great starting point for cutting solutions in a fast pace technology world. Android sets standards with regards to development tooling and feature rich and performant embedded software stacks. It is a great foundation to start with the entire Android tooling.
In combination with TQ's outstanding industry expertise and reliability Crossware has created a great starting point for industrial, automotive, and consumer products.
Based on Crossware's in-depth platform expertise we offer additional services to further accelerate product development. Please reach out to us for more information.